Stop searching for a job

Let the job find you!

🚀 Faster
🤖 Automated
🤓 Smarter
🙋 Personalized
We will match you with thousands of job ads based on your personal preferences

Gain the Edge in Your Job Search

with our Automated AI job finder
Activate Your Personal AI Job Scout

No matter if you are looking actively or passively for a job - Assistento will deliver. Matching you with thousands of job ads, analyzing them with perfection based on your unique profile!

Enable your Job Assistento
Get only relevant Job offers

We match your profile with thousands of job ads and cherry-pick only the ones that matter to you. Completely anonymous, secure and precise.

Start your Job hunt for free
Tailor your Job application with AI insights

When we identify a suitable job for you, we will provide a detailed analysis of how your profile aligns with the position, offer tailored advice to enhance your application, and pinpoint key skills you should focus on to excel in the interview.

Get perfect Job now!

Gain the Edge in Your Job Search

with Assistento Automated AI job finder!
Activate Your Personal AI Job Scout

No matter if you are looking actively or passively for a job - Assistento will deliver. Matching you with thousands of job ads, analyzing them with perfection based on your unique profile!

Enable your Job Assistento
Get only relevant Job offers

We match your profile with thousands of job ads and cherry-pick only the ones that matter to you. Completely anonymous, secure and precise.

Start your Job hunt for free
Tailor your Job application with AI insights

When we identify a suitable job for you, we will provide a detailed analysis of how your profile aligns with the position, offer tailored advice to enhance your application, and pinpoint key skills you should focus on to excel in the interview.

Get perfect Job now!

Elevated Job search through AI matching algorithms

Save time and spare the hustle!

"Stop wasting time"

No need to spend time looking at job offers anymore! We will match you with all relevant offers and select only the ones which are a 100% for you.

"Instant notifications"

The perfect job offer, as it was made for you - directly sent to you. As easy as this.

"Matching insights"

Every job we suggest will be tailored with uniquely crafted insights so that you apply prepared.

Elevated Job search through AI matching algorithms

Save time and spare the hustle!

"Stop wasting time"

No need to spend time looking at job offers anymore! We will match you with all relevant offers and select only the ones which are a 100% for you.

"Instant notifications"

The perfect job offer, as it was made for you - directly sent to you. As easy as this.

"Matching insights"

Every job we suggest will be tailored with uniquely crafted insights so that you apply prepared.

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